A global competition, where students and recent graduates are challenged to tackle pressing social, environmental and economic issues through design thinking.

The challenge

Since 1924, the RSA has been running the annual Student Design Awards – a global curriculum and competition for emerging designers, where students and recent graduates are challenged to tackle pressing social, environmental and economic issues through design thinking.

The competitions usually take place in the first two months of every year and attract several hundred submissions, which need to be managed through a holistic platform that allows not only for their robust collection (each submission has multiple large PDF attachments and/or videos), but also for their critical review, evaluation and printing of all numbered design boards.


The solution

To help manage this complex process, while still hosting the competition briefs on its own website, RSA chose Skipso’s flexible innovation call management platform. Through the custom-built platform, the RSA is able to collect profile registrations, submissions (including all required visual and video assets), and payments.

In 2018, RSA’s Student Design Awards competition spanned eight distinct design categories, each with its own brief, goals and large pools of submissions that had to be processed.

The results

Depending on the competition’s design tracks, different assets needed to be collected and stored for each respective submission. Those ranged from audio, video and slides to images, text and other file types – all handled through the Skipso platform. Once all competition entries and sup- porting assets had been submitted, RSA’s panel of judges was able to quickly review them, download the relevant assets, and rate the entries.

The complete, versatile and fully integrated functionalities of the Skipso platform allows the RSA to successfully manage multiple global competitions each year, achieving an efficient submission and judging process and a swift winner selection across all of them.